
Symphony of Science

There is a trend now-a-days for "Auto-Tuned" music, if you have managed to escape it thus far then you are a lucky lucky person as the majority of it is utter drivel!

There are a few gems out there though!

I think this is my favourite so far! Not to sure how much of it is actually auto-tuned as supposed to being re-tuned to specific notes (rather than automatically tuned to the nearest notes)

Check out http://www.symphonyofscience.com/ for more


Musical Sculpture - Sound Looking

This is an impressive project from a few years ago. a plastic tube with a speaker at one end. Its called 'Sound looking'


Living Sculptures - Non-Newtonian Fluid

I have been traipsing through the depths of the internet recently and have found some very interesting things! This is the first in a series of posts, of things that are just amazing, well i think so any way, its all about music, science, art and everything!

This is Non-Newtonian Fluid on a Speaker Cone, basically thick sloppy stuff that you play sound through and it makes weird evolving sculptures. Its really interesting and I could watch this type of thing all day!

And here is a Canon advert of something similar


The Williamson Tunnels

Deep beneath Liverpool, England lie and long forgotten about network of tunnels, caverns and chambers.  They lie forgotten about beneath Liverpool and YOU CAN HELP save them by voting at the website below.  Please vote for our good friends The Joseph Williamson Society.


They were dug over 200 years ago by an eccentric rich merchant called Joseph Williamson. He spent about thirty years of his life paying unemployed men to dig these tunnels and then he died in 1840 - without leaving any maps, plans or telling anybody what the heck he was playing at!

SHUB have been privileged enough to be allowed to explore part of this hidden network, big thanks to the Joseph Williamson Society.

They are a small charity being run by volunteers and need your help to secure £6000 of funding.

If you could spare two minutes to register and vote for the Joseph Williamson Society at the NatWest Community Force Wesbite


it would be greatly appreciated. For two minutes of your time you could help save a unique part of Britains heritage.

On behalf of SHUB, Thank You.


Northern Lights from the International Space Station

Sorry for our little hiatus, we at SHUB have all recently returned from an all expenses paid trip to the ISS were we picked up this amazing footage.* Enjoy.

*This may not be true and the footage may be courtesy of NASA.


Magic Trick - Chop Cup

Just procrastinating... browsing the internet and came across this.

Now I, like every one, love a bit of magic, this is just weird, crazy and a touch scary just watch it and find out.

CHOP CUP from :weareom: on Vimeo


Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops Survival

COD : MW2 Spec-Ops was an overlooked beauty of a game play mode. Whilst Black Ops was all well and good MW3 stands to bee a better game all together. Bearing this in mind, have a good look at this new Spec-Ops Survival mode some rather unfriendly chaps turn up at different points. For anyone who played world at war the 7 killstreak is back with bombs on. Any any one who loved MW2 Spec-Ops the sheer horror of High Explosive looks to be more than likely again, Enjoy


Film of the Week : Se7en

Well this is just a great thriller, to reference the League of Gentlemen "How many killins?". If your squeamish... don't watch it. If you like a good film with a frankly awesome cast, this ones for you. 1995 saw Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Brad Pitt, R. Lee Ermey and one other ace actor who I don't want to give away grace our screens for this genius pinch of film.

If you haven't seen it or want a reminder, this trailer does not conform to modern day trailers, i.e. just totally give away the whole film. In fact it probably doesn't quite do it justice, but we can't always be happy can we. Catch the film if you can. Enjoy