
Kelly Angood's Cardboard Hasselblad.

If like me you long for possession of a H4D, safe in the knowledge you will never be able to afford one, Kelly Angood's Cardboard Hasselblad maybe the answer you are looking for. This is a really quite ingenious little bit of design whilst theres not that much in the way of inovation in a pinhole camera it does look wicked, Hat's off to kelly, shame it uses 35mm film not 120 but im sure some one out there will be able to work that one out with a little bit of work. Fantastic bit of kit and a cracking looking end result.

Too take a trip to Kelly's website click the link to www.kellyangood.co.uk or to see some images she has made with the camera and a picture of a Hasselblad H4D click the jump, Enjoy!

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