
Robert J. Lang's Origami

Robert J. Lang is an incredibly well versed artist working in the field of Origami. Robert's work both innovate and come too new conclusions within the media of Origami.

His website states"Robert J. Lang has been an avid student of origami for over forty years and is now recognized as one of the world’s leading masters of the art, with over 500 designs catalogued and diagrammed. He is noted for designs of great detail and realism, and includes in his repertoire some of the most complex origami designs ever created. His work combines aspects of the Western school of mathematical origami design with the Eastern emphasis upon line and form to yield models that are at once distinctive, elegant, and challenging to fold. They have been shown in exhibitions in New York (Museum of Modern Art), Paris (Carrousel du Louvre), Salem (Peabody Essex Museum), San Diego (Mingei Museum of World Folk Art), and Kaga, Japan (Nippon Museum Of Origami), among others. "

All in all Roberts work is fantastic and inspiring. His attention to detail and frankly mind boggling skills mean his works are just amazing to look at.

To see more of Robert J. Lang's try his website www.langorigami.com, Enjoy!

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