
Stability and Dynamics on a Ball : Rezero

Looking like something out of the Sci-Fi series CAPRICA and with elements of the beginnings of Dr Who's Daleks this Tech project has the potential to astound or horrify you. Shown in IEN, Europe's largest Engineering magazine, the Rezero project is described as "As a focus project of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), students of its Autonomous System Lab (ASL) along with their fellow colleagues at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) have formed a cooperation of a special kind. Their Ballbot “Rezero” accomplishes not only the balancing act on the ball, but also convinces with technical solutions, unprecedented agility and appealing design."

"From a Ballbot’s perspective, moving on a ball is both, a blessing and a curse. Curse due to its general instability and the resulting high risk to keel over. Blessing since this also allows free movement in any direction and the rotation around its own axis. To commence movement, a Ballbot leans out of its center line, to further accelerate, it lets itself fall even more in direction of travel. For deceleration however, additional acceleration is required to first “out-compete” its center of gravity before coming to a synchronized upright standstill. Yet; total “standstill is the Ballbot’s death“. Even when appearing standing erect, it equilibrates by continuously revolving the ball underneath its center of gravity."

This post was found by Mr Shaun Booth hope it is too your liking. For more images of the tech involved here and a video of it in action hit the jump, Enjoy!

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