
Isaac Cordal's : "Small Interventions in the Big City"

Isaac Cordal's cement works are summarised with the title "Small Interventions in the Big City". Issac's work are remineciant of Ron Mueck's photorealist sculpture. Whilst not photorealist these sculptures do have a disturbing and gritty realisim to them.

Isaac's sculptures are made from cement and are scattered in urban enviroments. Not only are these tiny sculptures beautiful, but they are also quite often amusing and play with socaility and politicts. Whilst this kind of work is nothing new Isaac does bring a little flair to the work and it does leave you looking for more, even with the inspiration to go and make some of your own.

I thouroghly enjoy this work and i hope you do to, to catch more of this work on Isaac's website visit http://www.isaac.alg-a.org/.

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