
Dylan Cole Studio

Dylan Cole Studio website states "Dylan Cole is an art director, concept artist, and matte painter who specializes in film, video games, and commercials. The southern Caliornia native always had a love for drawing. Inital interest in comic book art gave way to matte painting and concept design after he saw the Art of Star Wars books. Dylan attended UCLA as a fine art major where he continued to draw and paint traditionally."

"A summer internship at ILM opened his eyes to the digital world that he had been avoiding. Within a year and a half of graduating from UCLA, Dylan was off to New Zealand to be a senior matte painter for Return of the King. Since then, Dylan has contributed art to over 50 films including Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, and Tron Legacy."

For more images from Dylan Cole either visit his website, www.dylancolestudio.com or catch the jump for more images and a showreel, Enjoy.

Overall Dylan Coles matte paintings show what really can be achieved through Photoshop and alot of persistence, hats off to you sir.

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