
Film of the Week: Koyannisquatsi (1982)

A film with no conventional plot: merely a collection of expertly photographed scenes. Subject matter has a highly environmental theme.

Directed by Godfrey Reggio, Music by Philip Glass


Fake or Foto?

Today we're presented with images in movies, on TV, and in the press that are of such good quality we don't even think to consider whether the picture is of something that exists in reality or if it was generated by computer software. Movies can be considered as being at the high-end of the range of uses for computer generated imagery that mimics real-life, but there are many more day-to-day examples that challenge our ability to tell what's real and what's not.

Spend a few minutes with our reality check and see if you can tell the difference...


Portal : No Escape

Portal : No Escape is a fan flick based on the hit game portal. You will and can only really enjoy this film.


Film of the Week: What Dreams May Come (1998)

Chris Neilson dies to find himself in a heaven more amazing than he could have ever dreamed of. There is one thing missing: his wife. After he dies, his wife, Annie killed herself and went to hell. Chris decides to risk eternity in hades for the small chance that he will be able to bring her back to heaven.

What Dreams May Come (1998) by Vincent Ward


Goodbye Nathan

In honor of our Researcher Nathan Jones, who today moves on to a new life. All the best sir, how many times did we listen to this through your wall.


Pants off Men : Panzermensch by And One

This is a small video which came out a few years ago, re subtitling a tune from And One. The lyrics are German and the subtitles English, Enjoy.


Watersking World Speed Record Broken, with a Helicopter

A Mexican man Fernando Reina Iglesias recently set a new world record for barefoot water skiing. The bar is now set at a rather amazing 153mph, breaking the previous record set by an American, Scott Pellaton of 135mph in 1989.

Catch the video after the jump, this article was originally reported on by The Telegraph website. Good work sir, you crazy crazy man.


Free Canon Training Days

What's this is hear you say Free Canon training days, what an unlikely event, well you'd be wrong there. Read Canon's website blurb below and click the link at the end of the article to register for some free camera training and a potentially good DVD.

Whether you are experienced in digital photography or taking the first steps on your EOS adventure, it has never been easier to take your photography to the next level with the latest promotion from Canon.

Capture stunning images and transform them into wall-worthy photographs with this exclusive offer in conjunction with Experience Seminars.

As a forewarning this is a UK offer and there may be US etc offers depending on your location and the generosity of the company, check out the Canon Online Offer here.


VITALIC : Second Lives

Both a cracking piece of music and a wicked video to boot, WARNING this is the uncensored version. To see some more ace videos from this band catch the jump, Enjoy.


Film of the Week : The 6th Day

2000, what a year, and this is why. How many flims have had the same concept as this now, not one but two of our beloved Arnold Schwarzenegger. Can Arnie [Adam Gibson] stop maniacal clones taking over the world, I think we all know the answer. But it is great fun watching how he does stop them, you guessed it, diplomacy. Enjoy the trailer especially the very last quote of it, oh the declarative nature of things.



This doesn't really have very much more of a explanation than a T-Shirt design.


Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Today released in the UK one of the greatest all time Sci-Fi classics is rehashed. Hopefully the memory of Tim will leave us and be replaced with something fantastic. Yes there is risk that it may be terrible, however it is still potentially gonna brilliant, that’s what I'm holding out for.

Now a little short featuring, well Golum, Enjoy.


Film of the Week : Wall•e

Ive got to admit for a start i was not convinced by Wall•e. I was so wrong, this film is awesome. If you haven’t seen this film just go and watch it.

Pixar paint a bleak and dystopic future, in a lovely colourful way. Some what of a happy anomaly, also for the first half of the film there is almost no talking.



As it Summer here in the UK, SH thought it would be a good idea to find some of the best sandcastles and sand sculptures from around the world. Here are three for your enjoyment.


Homemade Atomic Reactor

Maybe it's because I have a hangover that feels like a bear is scooping out my brains and aliens are doing intrusive tests on what remains of me but this amuses me somewhat.

A Swedish man, Richard Handl has attempted to create his own nuclear reactor in his own home. He acquired the materials on the internet and said he had hoped he might split an atom. (See one of the images he posted on the web of his efforts below)

The authorities got onto his fiendish plot when he contacted the Swedish radiation authority to check if what he was doing was legal. What is clear is that the police have stopped a supervillain in the making. Holy Macceroni, maybe the police raid was accompanied by some crazy graphics of words like BAM!!! WHAM!!!! SMACK!!!! TWOOOH!!!

We will never know but the whole caper might just as well have involved Roger Moore aggressively seducing the nearest lady whilst making 1970's innuendo to a bald apparently headless man who strokes his bejewlled pussy...cat.


The Gerber Steady : As Advertised by Bear

The Gerber Steady its a tripod with a knife attached, or a knife with a tripod attached, or a ....

Either way despite the practicality and terrifying advertising in the form of Bear Grylls, check out the Gerber site. Frankly I'm amazed they have a "Essential" knives section.

Good idea it may work out, but I'm still scared by the fact someone joined these two items.


Da Feng's Flake

Now we are getting somewhere. Whilst this is essentially impossible it and the BMW GINA are a step in the right direction. Beautiful modular vehicles, my passion for this, TRON has a lot to answer for. Da Feng congratulations sir, a fantastic concept. Whilst the video render is not as good as the concept art, lovely idea, Enjoy.

To catch some more images hit the jump.


A robot that can fly like a bird

Is this the beginning will razorbeak be here soon?

TED State "Plenty of robots can fly -- but none can fly like a real bird. That is, until Markus Fischer and his team at Festo built SmartBird, a large, lightweight robot, modeled on a seagull, that flies by flapping its wings."


Swedish UFO found in the Ocean

This is just brilliant the birthday present ive always wanted. The Swedish have found a 60 foot wide unidentified crashed object in the bottom of the Botnia Gulf.

To catch the orginal article try ABC.es


Captain America Short : The Avengers

The Marvel franchise has taken to Samuel L. Jackson's brief final moments of its films like a duck to water. Captain America: The First Avenger is no exception. But the main attraction of this particular instalment is a avengers short trailer, Enjoy


The by moviestune