
Cian McLoughlin

In Cian's oil paintings the implied is often more important than the visualised, because what can not be seen focuses eye. This blend of abstract and realistic painting is achieved though the chaotic use of paint and an abstract attention to mark-making. All of this allows Cian's work to be attractive and intriguing to the viewer as can be seen here in "Nude".

Cian McLoughlin's work is both visually impressive and inspiring, his use of texture and colour make the works seductive to the eye. This combined with his shear technical capacity for painting load his paintings with an impressive visual weight.

These paintings are whilst not necessarily original in content, do the media and content for that matter a substantial justice, and Cian deserves credit for that.

Find more of Cian's Paintings and a link to his website after the jump.



Find Cian's website HERE

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