
How to build your own carbon fibre bike

This is a how to on how to build your own carbon fibre bicycle. Its by a forward thinking man named Brano Meres and the results are frankly fantastic.

In Brano explains all of the materials used and how he overcame design problems within the project. A few tips here and there and with enough time and effort you too could make a bike like this.

Brano, also goes on to explain how he managed to make a bamboo/carbon fibre bike. Hats off to this guy for a brilliant tutorial.

Catch the tutorial here if you would like to read more.

Also another carbon bike build by Brano Meres can be seen below, or if you'd like the link here

1 comment:

  1. i would add like 40 extra teeth in to the front chain set just to make it that tittsy bit faster!!!!
