
Get Command and Conquer, Red Alert, Tiberian Dawn, Tiberian Sun and Firestorm for FREE

Like many people these games were my childhood and very memorable, Red Alert particularity. Also because Red Alert, due to overuse exploded in the family CD drive killing the computer. But there’s no danger of that this time as these versions are digital.

I must stress that this is not piracy and is completely legitimate, and came from the official Command and Conquer website which is visit able from HERE. If you'd like to download all 4 games the link to the site is HERE. Unfortunately this is not a mac friendly download but if you do want to play any game on mac or for that matter use any windows software on mac try running the open source software Darwine. Darwine is not a windows emulator it just sets the file structure so that windows programs will work without having to use anything like bootcamp. There's a little more info after the jump.

For clarity’s sake Command and Conquer : Tiberium Dawn, is the original game its just been renamed by EA so they all fit together as a set leading up to Tiberian Twilight.

A note from Chris "the only thing to add before that is if you have windows 7 to go onto user accounts then click user accounts control settings and drag the bar to the bottom and restart the computer before installing then once its installed go back and put the bar where it was before - the game should run perfectly :D"


This was researched by Christopher Clarke

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