
Cinzia Bacilieri Paintings

Cinzia Bacilieri is an Italian artist working out of North Yorkshire.

Her works are wonderfully textural and encompass a few topics of imagery. Personally i prefer the ones of trees as the mark-making lends itself particularly well to organic objects. She also works in a more abstract and whimsical manner. The images are a pleasure to look at as they roll across the page and crisply finish in different areas.

Altogether the works are complete together as a body of work however although they gain strength from one another they enjoy a different kind of emphasis when shown on there own.

Winter Solstice.

Cinzia Bacilieri was sourced from www.asingularcreation.com visit the site for more information about her or catch the jump to see more of her images.

Summer Solstice

Tree of Obsessions

The Portrait


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely comment about my art - I have noticed your review only now!!
