
DIY Amazing Predator Costumes

Every now and then some absolute genius adds something to the world we live in. In this case a website devoted entirely to the DIY construction of predator costumes. Named The Hunters Lair this website is a showcase for the DIY exploits of hundreds of Predator fans. It also provides allot of forum opportunities and group criticism of the budding Predator constructor. In a sad way this entire forum is like a international homage to the great late Stan Winston who very sadly died in 2008. After creating such memorable creatures and characters as he did the strength of his work even today continues through things like this website.

The lengths to which some people have gone to to create their own Predators are frankly amazing and really do deserve some credit. As some of my friends may remember i spent quite some time a few years ago having a crack at building one of these myself. Needless to say i failed and I'm still 4 years later finding bits of clay and polystyrene in my clothes that remind me just how badly i failed. I wish you all the best of luck if you do decide to try making one your self.

If your interested their are a few pictures after the jump but nip over to The Hunters Lair and have a look for your self.

Im not sure if this is more disturbing than the original or not but it scared the hell out of me.

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