
The Power of Music : Music Psychology - Music and Emotion

This is an interesting Lecture by Dr Glenn Wilson from the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, concerning the psychological effects of music.

I recently started doing research in to why music makes us feel the way we do, what about it musters up the emotions inside of us. How do I go about composing "sad" music. Well there are obvious things you can do, you can write in a minor key for one, and any basic understanding of music theory will give you a bunch of necessary tools and knowledge about how to write certain emotions in music.


If your interested in music psychology then i would advise watching this lecture very interesting and it looks in to it in a bit more depth. I found the section about the Thrill/Shiver Down the Spine/Frissons of particular interst, how it is created by igniting the fear response within the brain but knowing you are in a safe environment.

Unfortunately Dr Glenn Wilson is not a Musician in the same way i am not a psychologist, but he make some very interesting points and its well worth a watch!

If you watch it, please leave comments on what you thought about it! :-)

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