
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Trailer

If like me you are a little bit of a fan of this game series I'm sure your going to enjoy this trailer, I can say I truly did have a bit myself. We should see this game around the 8th of November in the UK so hopefully the actual delivery time will not be too far off this initial one, Enjoy!


Clip Flops - Cycling Sandals

As you know here at Salubrious, we are all arty farty and we like techy stuff and we all love anything bike!! I was discussing once with the rest of the team how awesome it would be - since summer is nearly upon us - to have cycling flip flops, with clips in the bottom!

Clipless Flip Flops - i hear you shout - what an amazing idea, get the scientists on it right away!!!

BBBUUUTTTT - unfortunately for all you budding inventors and sandal makers out there, but very fortunately for people like us who just can't be bothered to wait...

They already exsist!!

Shimano Cycling Sandals, ready for you SDP cleats!!

Please if any one has these or uses these, tell us what they are like!!


Dunder the German shepherd

This animation is a bit of an internet phenomenon at the moment just enjoy the commitment to a cause from the camera man and a lovely dog, also some ace music from a film, see if you can guess which one. If you cant get the music ill tell you after the post.

Great little vid and very well done the film was Pixars Monsters Inc


John Nolan Films

Have you ever sat and wondered about that amazing Halloween costume you have always wanted to make. Or looked at some crazy drawings you made as an inspired young child. Well that’s what John Nolan Studios are all about. Whilst they wont recreate your childhood dreams they will bring ideas and concepts to reality with fantastic realism, animatronics and imagination. Particularly in this small animation titled “Cheddar”, showing both wit and humour and just fantastic animatronics, no CGI was used in the creation of this video, it is all in the machines.

This studio also did work on the re-imagination of the childhood classic where the wild things are making massive human powered exoskeletons for the actors to wear.

To see more info on the studio visit www.johnnolanfilms.com or to see some more images and the studios 2010 showreel, which is frankly amazing hit the jump.

Mostly thanks to this studio long may they keep on making fantastic works, Enjoy!


Steampowered Bikes - Steampunks Revenge!

A bicyle powered by a steam engine sounds like it something that roared straight out of the sepia-stained pages of a steampunk tale.  Gusts of steam rise through fog bound warehouses, chains and gears clank and grumble. Mutton chopped heros chase down clockwork automatons through the gritty cobbled streets of Victorian London, whilst genius-supervillans plot world domination through rooms of cigar-smoke and polished brass.  You can almost smell the tweed.

Alas, such men and their marvelous machines are destined to remain in the pages of fiction... or are they?

Tom Sepe's Steampunk "Whirlygig Emoto"

Tom Sepe is Steampunk artist, performer and fabricator. You can see some of his wonderful creations and visit his rather beautiful personal website here.

Tom's bike is essentially an electric bike with steam-powered effects - but is that all we can hope for? Is a true steam powered bike possible? Yes, yes it is.


Freelancers' Fair-BECTU

The Freelancers' Fair is an annual event organised by the union's Writers, Producers and Directors branch. The 2011 event will take place on Friday 17 June at Savoy Place, off the Embankment in London.

The Event includes some great semiars and talks including...
  • 10.00 - 11.15 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: how to survive TV's Wild West will look at the common contractual issues which workers in the industry face. Our panel includes BECTU's Martin Spence, The Unit List's Jude Winstanley, tax advisor Steven Sykes and Kate Fox from Thompsons Solicitors. 
  • 11.45 - 13.00 How to Stand out from the Crowd will deliver top tips on how to secure that all important first break. Jo Taylor, head of 4Talent and Hannah Springham, Broadcast 'hotshot' from 2006 and series director Pineapple Dance Studios share the stage with Iain Smith OBE a leading film industry figure and producer of (amongst others) Local Hero, The Mission, Children of Men and the A Team;
  • 14.00 - 15.15 DSLR: the new digital revolution? Will DSLR change the industry forever or is it just a fad? Join the discussion. Our panellists will include Dom Bridges, DOP/director, Shelf Stackers, filmed entirely on 5D for the BBC;
  • 15.45 - 17.00 Pitching for success Your chance to hone your skills by offering to pitch or join the audience to learn from key players about this essential stage in getting your work off the ground. The panel will include Dan Berbridge (executive producer, factual entertainment, C4) Jane Stephenson (Media Trust) and Simon Berthon (documentary film-maker and executive producer).


New X-Men First Class Trailer

In honour of the 1st of June release enjoy this trailer, quite excited about this film, hope you are too.


Film of the Week: La Cité des enfants perdus

La Cité des enfants perdus, or more commonly known as City of Lost Children (1995).  This epic Jean-Pierre Jeunet sci-fi follows a bazaar entanglement of events surrounding the kidnap of children by the mad scientist, One (Ron Perlman).

City of Lost Children Trailer by SFLTV


Kylie Minogue Bear-ly Legal

Comedy post alert! My attention was drawn to this the other day. Apparently this image has been banned from Facebook for being inappropriate. At SH we have no such rules so enjoy its crudeness.

The picture was taken during a recent performance by Ms Minogue at London's G-A-Y Nightclub.

An email was sent out by Facebook saying: "We do not allow photos that contain nudity, drug use or violence."

Quite how this image fits into that description we are not sure. Unless Facebook are saying that Kylie or Mr Bear are naked, shooting up or attacking one another - maybe the latter? Even that seems to be tenuous justification.

Anyway enjoy the image and let us know what you think of this below in the comments box.


Confrerie Horlogere : La Clef du Temps Tourbillon Watch

Just wow its like Steam Boy, Ray Steam, has created a watch for us. This watch is limited edition as in 24 will only be created, One for each time zone. This chunky piece of tech will be made predominately from titanium with a rubber strap. Whilst the exclusivity of this time piece cannot be brought into question its practicality as a time piece may subsequently need to be taken with a pinch of salt.

In this case the outlandish aesthetics of the thing probably need to be taken into consideration, it just looks wicked really. It is a hair brained and just downright bizarre moment of extravagance and technological wizardry.

For more information on the manufacturer i would say visit Confrerie Horlogere Online however their website at the time of writing seems to be down. Apologies for that but none the less I hope you enjoy the provided images.


Isaac Cordal's : "Small Interventions in the Big City"

Isaac Cordal's cement works are summarised with the title "Small Interventions in the Big City". Issac's work are remineciant of Ron Mueck's photorealist sculpture. Whilst not photorealist these sculptures do have a disturbing and gritty realisim to them.

Isaac's sculptures are made from cement and are scattered in urban enviroments. Not only are these tiny sculptures beautiful, but they are also quite often amusing and play with socaility and politicts. Whilst this kind of work is nothing new Isaac does bring a little flair to the work and it does leave you looking for more, even with the inspiration to go and make some of your own.

I thouroghly enjoy this work and i hope you do to, to catch more of this work on Isaac's website visit http://www.isaac.alg-a.org/.


Stability and Dynamics on a Ball : Rezero

Looking like something out of the Sci-Fi series CAPRICA and with elements of the beginnings of Dr Who's Daleks this Tech project has the potential to astound or horrify you. Shown in IEN, Europe's largest Engineering magazine, the Rezero project is described as "As a focus project of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), students of its Autonomous System Lab (ASL) along with their fellow colleagues at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) have formed a cooperation of a special kind. Their Ballbot “Rezero” accomplishes not only the balancing act on the ball, but also convinces with technical solutions, unprecedented agility and appealing design."

"From a Ballbot’s perspective, moving on a ball is both, a blessing and a curse. Curse due to its general instability and the resulting high risk to keel over. Blessing since this also allows free movement in any direction and the rotation around its own axis. To commence movement, a Ballbot leans out of its center line, to further accelerate, it lets itself fall even more in direction of travel. For deceleration however, additional acceleration is required to first “out-compete” its center of gravity before coming to a synchronized upright standstill. Yet; total “standstill is the Ballbot’s death“. Even when appearing standing erect, it equilibrates by continuously revolving the ball underneath its center of gravity."

This post was found by Mr Shaun Booth hope it is too your liking. For more images of the tech involved here and a video of it in action hit the jump, Enjoy!


Cgtuts+ is a great site that provides tutorials for numerous 3D modeling programmes including Maya, Blender, 3DS Max and many more! The site is a great tool if your trying to learn something different.  Along with tutorials the site has newsletters and contests (the latest being a $1500 giveaway)


Renovo Hardwood Bicycles

For a long time it has been a personal fascination of mine to make my own bicycle frame. On the hub there was a previous article about Making Your own Carbon Fibre Bike frame this post follows in that same ilk. Thankfully for the hub i am not the only person in this world who likes the idea of their own bespoke bike frame, this post was sourced, found and all thanks to Mr William Clarke.

Renovo statement on their website says "We’re not making wood bicycle frames because we’re woodworkers. We’re not. Hell, we’re not even carpenters. Two of us took woodshop in middle school, but that’s it. We can’t make a desk or dresser, or build a house, nor have we, though I suppose we could probably figure it out. We’re just engineers/designers who chose wood as the material of choice for bicycles because of its excellent properties. It didn’t hurt that we had the equipment necessary to make wood bikes, but we also have the equipment and training to make metal bikes, and carbon bikes too, for that matter. Frankly, these other materials were half-considered every now and then as relief from the ordeal of trying to create an apology-free wood bike. It took a great deal of research, testing, trying and crying before we had a good bike. Historically, wood bikes came before metal bikes and we only half jokingly say ‘metal bikes were invented because making a wood bike is such a pain in the ass.’ Well, it is hard to work with, but we get better every day and there’s a lot of satisfaction in conquering this unruly stuff."

To read more about these fantastic and beautiful machines, see some more images and to get a link to Renovo's website and see all there other bikes catch the jump.


Film of the Week : Battle Royale

Battle Royale (2000) is set in the future where the Japanese government have passed the Battle Royale act. A class of school children are trapped on an island, given weapons and pan lids and told to kill each other until one is left.

The film mainly follows the trials and tribulations of Nanahara and Noriko and includes some amazing fight sequences and intense drama. The film also stars Chiaki Kuriyama who went on to appear in Kill Bill Part 1 playing Gogo Yibari an associate of O-Ren Ishii. She is cast as a severely disturbed 17-year-old schoolgirl who enjoys killing for fun - type casting?

This film was adapted from a book by Koushun Takami and directed by Kinji Fukasaku. Check out the trailer and some screen shots after the jump.


The Fermi Space Telescope

The telescope launched in 2008, looks at the universe for gamma rays. The image above shows the whole sky. Gamma-ray sources are prevelent along the galactic plane (central bar) but are also scattered throughout the cosmos.

Every three hours the telescope takes an image of the whole sky and beams the image back to earth. It spits out 40 million bits of information per second.


Deadmau5 4x4=12 Animation

I bought this album the other day and have been playing it in the SH office constantly since. It is a very good album if you like that sort of stuff.

However I am not writing this to sell Deadmau5's new album. The package I bought also came with this piece of animation which I would like to draw your attention too.

It is available through I-Tunes' LP application and came free with the album and is the intro sequence when you load the album up in LP.

I hope you enjoy this. Comment below.


Suzanne Lee: Grow your own clothes

Every now and then someone just comes out with something unbelievably cool on TED this is one such thing. This is just a brilliant and forward thinking approach to a counter industrialist approach to life. Watch as Suzanne explains the practicality, benefits and problems with growing your own clothes, although your bath may look like something out of Wanted for a while.


Flower Power - Gary Neville's surprising eco-friendly mansion

Footballers are not particuarly well known for their eco-consience.  Certainly all that boozing, car-crashing and general scandal making (and occasionally a well-paid kick-about) does not seem leave much time for green issues. Happily news has just reached us that Manchester United star Gary Neville has had planning permission granted for a state-of-the-art eco mansion, just outside of Bolton.


The designers, Make Architects have worked closely with Neville to design this four-bedroom, renewable enegry single story house, and have taken into account Nevilles desire to be green.

Geothermic heating, photovoltaic cells and a wind turbine assure that this house produces more power than it uses, but all this aside it is a great piece of architecture.  It has been designed to fit neatly into the beautiful rolling foothill landscape of the Pennines.  The house is largely underground meaning that it is hardly noticeable on the skyline and its unique flower-petal shape made of local stone show a modern design with clear sympathies to the location.

Many have applauded Nevilles eco-conscience and the arcitects stunning design comparing it to a Neolithic village such as Skara Brae whilst the inevitable detractors (and most of the media) have labelled it Tellytubby Land.

What strikes me is that this is a mansion built by a very wealthy person that has done things right for a
change.  Neville had no requirement to build an eco-friendly house.  If he wanted to he could have constructed something like the unfinished monstrocity that is Hamilton Palace but he has gone out of his way to make something that is already being labelled 'a house for the future'.

It seems that Nevilles desire to be eco-friendly is more tha just posturing, he is reported to currently be in talks with a green-energy provider to host a envrionmentally friendly testimonal match when he bows out of Old Trafford.

The Rise of the Planet of the Apes Trailer

Initially after hearing of "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes", and with full knowledge of the atrocity that befell when Tim Burton got his hands on one of our most beloved films here at SH, we were dubious of what my happen with this film. However this trailer is putting a bit of faith back in the fill especially with the knowledge that WETA are working on the film. This is not because of their work of Avatar but rather District 9 or D9, check out their concept art for District 9

Hope you enjoy the Trailer!



This isn't the first and it probably won't be our last Hummer post so sit back, relax and enjoy SH have provided you with all the Hummer you will need today.

Also check out the 2006 Superbowl Hummer advert at SH we reckon its one of the best car ads we have ever seen. Comment below.


New Transformers 3 Trailer

Heres yet some more new footage of this much anticipated film. Now scheduled for the 1st of July UK release just looking forward to this, Enjoy!


Film of the week: Mission Impossible

IMF agent Ethan Hunt wrongly accused of being a traitor must fight to expose the truth and find the real traitors . All this without the help of the organisation.

The film stars amongst others John Voight as Jim Phelps, Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt and Kristan Scott Thomas as Sarah Davies.

See below for trailer.


Andy McKee : Solo Acoustic Guitar Extraordinaire

For the last few years this guys, frankly quite deservedly has been earning himself a rather dedicated following. Whilst solo Guitar antics can lead to things such as Dragonforce, nothing wrong with them just a conclusion to a path, Andy McKee takes a rather more relaxed approach to the whole thing. Also you may have noticed the rather impressive instrument in the picture about, this is a harp guitar frankly its fantastic. This is arguably Andy's most famous piece of music and the one which launched his Youtube rise to stardom. Please enjoy the video below and if you do so spend a bit of time to look up some Andy McKee if you've got Spotify Click the link HERE

If you ever get a chance to see this man live in concert it is well worth your time, I've been to see him twice now and he is an excellent musician and all in all charismatic gent. To see if Andy is playing in your area check www.andymckee.com. Or for more music from similar artists check out CANdYRAT Records



This is a French television series currently in Season 3 on BBC 4 in the UK. Spiral (Encrenages)is a drama following the often dark happenings, murder and corruption in the lives of the police and public prosecutors offices in Paris.

You can catch this now on BBC I - Player if you are in the UK. You will like this if you like Spooks.


Euthanasia Roller Coaster

This structure was designed by Lithuanian engineer Julijonas Urbonas. The concept is that this is a roller coaster that will result in the evenutual death of the rider.

Urbonas' aim was: "Celebrating the limits of the human body but also the liberation from the horizontal life".

Ignoring the potential political ruminations of a physical realisation of this structure it is worth noting that this has not been built and is just an idea.

This design is part of the HUMAN+ exhibition at Trinity College in Dublin until June 2011.


Musical Structures and Animusic

For quite a while now I have been wanting to build musical instruments, but not your standard instruments. I took great inspiration from the following clips (there are many more but these are my favourites). Obviously not wanting to copy these ideas but the concept of a musical instrument actually being able to play its self seemed unimaginable, impossible... so i have to try it at some point!!!

Me an Matthew Merrick have talked about collaborating on this in passing, but its more of an issue of time and money so nothing has currently come to fruition. But seems some body else has beaten my to a similar idea.

These are magnificent structures built to play music. They are amazing in the way they look and i am sure in the way they sound (unfortunately all videos have been made private so i can not say for certain)


MC Escher's Waterfall Brought to Life

Most people will be aware of MC Escher's Waterfall, a mathematical play on perspective. Well some genius has managed to construct a working 3 Dimensional version if this design. These 3D versions of this iconic drawing have been around for a while but we haven't seen many that even come close to the realism show in this piece. Its similarity to the original drawing, attention to detail etc is simply staggering.

If you would like to see more images from the design hit the jump, Or even try to make your own one the original post is here at, Instructables.


Justin Beiber vs Slipknot

This is a spot from Nathan Jones. Also ordinarily Beiber would never usually appear on our site you absolutely have my word on that one. A little vid/mashup of the two opposing forces. works surprisingly well. Although, its safe to say we all prefer Slipknot. Enjoy!



In the spirit of this weeks Movie of the week, this great little short was spotted by and found by Mr David Cotton. The comic originally came from www.xkcd.com


Film of the Week : Jurassic Park

1993 saw the release of my favorite film of all time, Steven Spielberg's "Jurassic Park". Featuring performances from Richard Attenborough, Sam Niell, Jeff Goldblum & Samuel L. Jackson. This film tells a story "65 million years in the making". The N-GEN corporation have brought Dinosaurs to life through the use of genetic material found in mosquitoes stuck in Amber. The Dinosaurs are kept on a remote island theme park which is where the story and our protagonist Dr Alan Grant, among others finds himself.

Also worth stating that the combination of Steven Speilberg, Stan Winston Studios and John Williams makes this a feast for the senses. One of the first cases of CGI in a film, originally they were going to use stop motion. Having said that even nearly 20 years on it's only just starting to date in terms of visuals. Absolutely well worth your time if you haven't seen this you just should. Enjoy!


Bike Speed Record - Fast Bikes!!

I was just wondering what the land speed record of a bike was... and when I found this I was a tad shocked to say the least!!!!

152 MPH!!!!!!! - That's bloody fast... its faster than my car!

This record was set by Iron Man winner and olympic cyclist John Howard http://www.johnhowardsports.com/

For more info check out http://www.canosoarus.com/08LSRbicycle/LSR%20Bike01.htm 

Follow jump for the Video!