
Dylan Cole Studio

Dylan Cole Studio website states "Dylan Cole is an art director, concept artist, and matte painter who specializes in film, video games, and commercials. The southern Caliornia native always had a love for drawing. Inital interest in comic book art gave way to matte painting and concept design after he saw the Art of Star Wars books. Dylan attended UCLA as a fine art major where he continued to draw and paint traditionally."

"A summer internship at ILM opened his eyes to the digital world that he had been avoiding. Within a year and a half of graduating from UCLA, Dylan was off to New Zealand to be a senior matte painter for Return of the King. Since then, Dylan has contributed art to over 50 films including Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, and Tron Legacy."

For more images from Dylan Cole either visit his website, www.dylancolestudio.com or catch the jump for more images and a showreel, Enjoy.



If you've ever wanted to give animation a go but not wanted to spend a fortune on software, Blender is your answer!  This software is a FREE open source 3D graphics application available to most platforms.


Sintel is a creation from the Blender Studios.  The company works on a short feature each year to show case the software as well as to promote the use of open source and free software.


Film of the Week: Life in a Day

A documentary shot by filmmakers all over the world that serves as a time capsule to show future generations what it was like to be alive on the 24th of July, 2010. It's 1hr 30min‎‎, Rated 12A‎‎ and Directored by Kevin Macdonald, Jan Haubrich, Frederic Lumiere and is in cinemas now.



Resonance is a beautiful collaborative project the website statement reads as follows, Enjoy.

Resonance is the vision of SR Partners; a collaborative project with over 30 independent visual and audio designers/studios. The aim was to explore the relationship between geometry and audio in unique ways.

Special thanks to Clear Cut Pictures who did a great job with the audio mastering and also RenderRocket who gave us access to their awesome renderfarm.

SEE || Displace Studios and MoveMakeShake | Esteban Diacono | Heerko Groefsema | Jean-Paul Frenay | Jr.canest | KORB | Kultnation | Mate Steinforth | Matthias Müller | Momentary People | MRK | Murat Pak | Onur Senturk | Physalia studio | Polynoid | SR Partners | Thiago Maia | Tom Waterhouse | Tronic Studio | Spatial Harmonics Group

HEAR || Audionerve | Combustion | CypherAudio | David Kamp | Echolab | Hecq | Michael Fakesch | Mutant Jukebox | Radium Audio | Box Of Toys Audio | Studio Takt | World Gangthe vision of SR Partners; a collaborative project with over 30 independent visual and audio designers/studios.


Knife & Saw : Bike Shelf

For all of us who don’t have all that much space for storing the wonderful portal to the world that is a bicycle Knife & Saw have provided the perfect answer, the Bike Shelf. An elegant stylish and feature making alter to the bicycle. Not only will this get the offending space grabber out of the way, it will provide a handy shelf for storing whatever you need to and an attractive way to show off your pride and joy. Visit Knife & Saw to check out more images and Buy a shelf if you’d like one.

This post was researched by William Clarke.


Jack Horner : Building a Dinosaur from a Chicken

This is a small yet brilliant video touching on concepts of evolution, Jurassic Park and Chickens. This is a totally enjoyable and thought provoking video from TED hope you like it.


Wheel Fanatyk : Ghisallo Wood Rims & Morizumi Spoke Machines.

Lower spoke tensions and a more comfortable ride. Wood rims operate in a very similar way to how carbon rims now do, using a light weight dampening material in place of metal. Plus they just look so good. You to see more about the process of construction or for more information on the rims visit Wheel Fanatyk. Or you can purchase wooden rims from Ghisallo on Ebay, Enjoy.

To see the next two videos completing this series read on after the jump.


The Oomphalapompatronium

Thank the Lord for garden-shed inventors. I invite you to watch this video of the splendidly named "Oomphalapompatronium". It is impossible to watch this without smiling.


Automata Pistols - Birds in Disguise

We like surprises... and we like very clever bits of engineering. Here is something that combines both!

The auction house Christies has recently sold a pair of early 19th Century Pistols for five and a half million dollars.

On the outside the craftmanship is exquistie with detials picked out in gold, enamel, agate, pearl and diamond. But for SHUB the real beauty is inside.

Watch this:

These are the only complete pair of these pistols in the world - and there are only six pistols still known to exist. We want them.


BasementArtsProject, Leeds

A word about a venture that has been running in Beeston, Leeds for a couple of months now. The events that have taken place so far include the creation of the longest hand painted film in Britain with Unravel and a performance by Kimbal Quist Bumstead.

Click here to see what else has been happening and what is coming up over the next few months.


Film of the Week : Blade

Let's face it Wesley Snipes kicks ass, in all of his films he just runs around mopping up lesser built human beings than him and why shouldn't he. Blade is no exception in fact its an exception, in this one he is not human at all. A great film from the age old times of 1998, perhaps a little silly but thats kind of why its so good. Whilst we haven't ever quoted anything from IMDB before the statment about this film on there is ace, they haven't really tried very hard with this one "A half-vampire, half-mortal man becomes a protector of the mortal race, while slaying evil vampires." although it really does explain whats going on, Enjoy the film.


Making Crisp Line Drawings in Photoshop

You may remember a little wile ago a post about Matt Kohr's Online Photoshop lecture site Ctrl + Paint. These two lectures are a current series of lectures about creating precise line drawings in Photoshop. I have found them very useful and hopefully they’ll be helpful to your exploits. To visit Matt's page go to www.ctrlpaint.com Enjoy.


Rocket Jet Engine Trucks



Cardboard Bike Helmet

This helmet can allegedly take 4 times as much punishment as its plastic counterpart.
It was designed by Anirudha Surabhi and has also apparently survived five repeated tests and still passed the British Standard (EN 1078) test.

This post is just a quick topical "glad you are OK" to Aran Prior of SH. I found this and thought of you buddy.


Minimalist Decepticons

This little image sprang up on facebook and was spotted by Mr James Schofield. Minimalist Decepticons see if you can name them all, Thanks for the find James.


Freshwater Factory Skyscraper

The Freshwater Factory Skyscraper recieved a special mention at the 2010 eVolo Skyscraper Competition.

It was designed by the Design Crew for Architecture.

The tower is made of circular tanks filled with brackish water. These tanks are sheltered in spherical greenhouses. Tidal powered pumps bring the water up the structure. The structure would create its own fresh water to be used for irigation on surrounding arable land.


Film of The Week: Being John Malkovich

This weeks film of the week is Being John Malkevich (1999). It stars: John Malkevich, John Cusack and Cameron Diaz and is directed by Spike Jonze.

A pupeteer is drawn into a strange love quintet with his wife, a co worker and John Malkevich when he stumbles upon a mysterious door that allows a person to be inside John Malkevich's head for 15 minutes.

A thoughly strange film that enjoyed strong popularity on its release and endures today as something of a cult film.


Seascraper Concept

I found this whilst researching yesterday's post. This is a concept design looking at the reapplication of oil rigs as sustainable living spaces.

This design by Young Wan Kim, Sue Hwan Kwun, Jun Young Park and Joong Ha Park recently recieved an honourable mention at the 2011 eVolo Skyscraper competition.

The structure also through a process of distillation would make its own drinking water.


Nam June Paik Bridge: Seoul

This is a concept for a bridge planned for Seoul. It is based on the work of the artist Nam June Paik.

The 1080m megastructure would a multi use structure; acting as but not limited to a park, meeting space, shopping centre and museum.

As well as adding new green space to the city, the whole bridge would be covered with solar panels so generating its own energy.


Cheap Car Modifications

I was looking for a follow up post to my Hummer post of a few weeks ago and I admit I failed to find anything that I could honestly one up those beasts with.

Therefore I present to you a one downing. There is more chance of winning the Gadget show prize than getting these monsters insured I feel.


In pictures: Volcanic Action in Chile

These amazing images have been taken in the last week showing the volcanic eruption in Chile.   Volcanoes in Chile's Puyehue-Cordon-Caulle range have been erupting, sending 5km (three-mile) wide columns of ash and pumice stones into the air.


I want to break free

Today I have finally finished university (ish) and in tribute to how much cleaning I now have to do and leaving into the world. One of my favourite bands and one of their best songs and videos. If you have any hoovering to do get this music on and enjoy yourself.


Convert your shed to Solar Power

If like me you have a stingy yet inventive streak consider using your own solar power in your garage.

This whole build is made from :

1 X 10w (or above) Photo Voltaic solar panel £33
1 X Solar Charge controller £15
2 meters of 15amp cable ( Already had)
1 X 15ah battery £20
8 X Spade connectors £1
1 X Power Inverter ( Above the wattage of the the equipment you use ) £30
2 X 13amp switched fuseways £4
1 X RCD ( Already had)
2 X 13amp wall sockets £ 4
5 meters of 23amp mains cable ( Already had)
1 X Energy saving lightbulb and Brakcet ( Already had)
Wire connectors (I used like 20!) £1
Other Items £5

Total £110

This post came via Instructables to read the full tutorial of how to kit out your shed or garage for solar power read the full tutorial here. Personally I have now mains power to my garage and whilst there’s no way to get said power I think I will be trying something like this at some point as I don't have any lights. If anyone does have a crack at anything like this or for that matter already has done please share any advice you have on the concept. Enjoy


Film of the Week : Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

1984 saw the release of one of Studio Ghibli's best and greatest films. Following the traditions of Ghibli films of a princess or prince of some description on an adventure this film really does not disappoint. In fact and on top of this this film is ace. A brilliant take on human interaction with the world around us. Even if this film was cast a children’s film it will always be a far more morally sound and ethically stable lesson for any child or adult than any Disney film. Well worth the time and effort of a watch hope you enjoy this film as I have.


The Rise of the Planet of the Apes Trailer 2

We are getting progressively more and more excited about this film. May we never speak of Burton again, Enjoy!


Piano in Sci-Fi

There is a trend and rightly so for piano in Sci-Fi. Piano? You say, well yes for some reason this has been adopted and my god does it work. Having always been a total fan of piano this for me is a great thing. Whilst I'm sure this is not every piece of piano ever used in any Sci-Fi film there are a few modern day greats and some great old ones in here. Please enjoy a few pieces here and a few more after the jump.


Film of the Week : Starship Troopers

1997 saw the birth of one of my personal absolute favourite sci-fi films, Starship Troopers. Directed by Paul Verhoeven and staring Michael Ironside, Denise Richards, Neil Patrick Harris and Dina Meyer, this film was sci-fi gold. Referencing everything from "Alien" to "Full Metal Jacket" this film does not buck the sci-fi trend of being able to assimilate all other films to aid its own construction. Whilst I admit this is not just limited to this genre it is particularity prevalent in Starship Troopers, and rightly so it strengthens the film.

If you have never seen this film change that just go watch it, a cult DVD release classic and a fantastic film for it. Enjoy the trailer and check out the film if you can.


The BHPC : The British Human Power Club

Not to be confused with the Beverly Hills Polo Club The BHPC (The British Human Power Club) is a community in Britain devoted to the humble recumbent. The online site of this publication headlines all racing and also some design processes that are going on. To visit their web-page got to www.bhpc.org.uk. Also for more images some of the construction continue reading after the jump.

Their online statement says "There is a wealth of Human Power related information on the Internet. Much of this information is produced by the BHPC and on these pages we will attempt to bring together as much of that as possible in one place."

"The BHPC organise a series of races each year, and in turn with other members of the IHPVA, organise a world championship event. Links to the results of these can be found in the panel on the right."

"The BHPC Magazine is a quarterly publication and available either by joining the club, or individually using the shop. Thanks to Dave Larrington, we have been able to make available scanned copies of many of the older issues for download."


Ultimate Saw

I found this a couple of days ago whist shopping for tools.

It is a saw capable of cutting through mountains and is used in Kazakhstan to cut thousands of tonnes of coal out of hillsides.

It is over 145 feet tall and weighs over 45000 tonnes. It also requires 27 people to operate it at any one time.