
Create your own Data Visualisations

Global Life Expectancy click here for the LINK

Data Visualisations is something we have reported on before, particularity about David McCandless, to catch our previous post click the LINK. However this time we aim to show you how to use theses programs to make your own data visualisations like so you too could produce a image with the reputation of David McCandless's Billion Dollar-o-gram, click the LINK to see the full size image, hit the jump for the data visualisation website Url and David McCandless images.


Film's to look forward to in 2011

2010 was a good year for a few films However next year we may have a few film's to look forward too along with a few others. Whilst we are sure there may be a few we've missed out here's a brief run down of a few that may be absolutely fabulous, or possibly rubbish.

For anyone who made the effort to watch 2010's "skyline" which had stunning visuals, character design and just generally amazing SFX and Dr. Christopher Turk from Scrubs. You will know that just because in this wonderful SFX filled world of film we now live in, fantastic looking films can be dismal. Despite this risk let's hope none of these film's fall into that category. Despite the fact that a few of them are probably just going to, we can revel in their potential with fear and apprehension of disaster.

During this year we shall revisit some of these film's for a more in depth look however for the moment we have collected a few trailers for you to see, 14 in total.

So without further ado lets introduce some film's for 2011, Catch the rest after the jump.



Film of the Week : Die Hard

Need we say more, its Christmas and what does that mean, Turkey, Wallace & Gromit and Die Hard.

Featuring performances form Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman, This film combines A man flick action with genuinely convincing performances, Bruce Willis at his best in this 1988 classic. If you haven't seen this film just go and watch it, it cannot be recommended enough.

Catch the Trailer, and a little bit more, After the Jump.

How to Fold a Shirt

Now as far as SalubriousHUB goes we have never done a post on washing before and we probably wont do again, but I can honestly say this is improving my life. I hate folding shirts it is boring as hell and I never want to do it. Thankfully I came across a quick and ridiculous answer to this life problem. Check this out and never waste your time again, except possibly learning how to do this.

All that being said I may just go to the length of making one of these.


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from SalubriousHUB. As our inaugural year swiftly draws to a close we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Thanks for reading and hopefully we shall be bringing you all the news and general interest from the web for the next year and onward.

Rather concerningly this image is the top Google search image for the word "Christmas" to find out more about it, although we understand if you don't want to, click the LINK

So once again Merry Christmas from the whole SalubriousHUB Team!!!!


Facebook Map

Whatever you think of social networking this image does create quite the spectacle.

Image sourced from BBC website.

This image details all Facebook connections globally.

BBC website


Film of the week : TRON LEGACY

This is just breathtaking, to anyone that is even slightly interested, GO SEE THIS MOVIE, also 3D in this case is worth the effort. As a traditionalist, circa 1982's original Tron, this movie only builds on the original. TRON LEGACY features stunning visual effects and a awesome soundtrack courtesy of Daft Punk.

If you haven't already seen it or just want the chance to see it again catch the trailer below.

If you didn't see last weeks movie of the week : TRON jump HERE to see it.

Otherwise get over to the officail Diseny TRON LEGACY webpage to gain a interactive experience of the movie. Or you can nip off to IMDB to get more detailed info on the film from HERE, or for that matter its older brother HERE.

SPOILER ALERT after the jump!!


How make your own bike brake lights

To any regular cycle commuter who lives in fear of the taxi driving psychopath, or the bus driver who neglects to indicate, or heaven forbid the speeding 4X4 driver. The modern cyclist has many bits of technology on their side however this may bit of use to any D.I.Y. tech fans reading.

This short tutiorial was created my "WyoJustin" and was sourced from Instructables.

To catch a video seeing the brake lights working and more information on how to make them catch the jump link below.

District 9 : Concept Art

The Sci-Fi concept art for District 9 is an integral part of what has lead to D9 being quite the success it was. The Concept art was handled by Weta, also responsible for Peter Jackson's King Kong and The Lord of the Ring's Trilogy.

Currently Weta are auctioning A full size Arc Generator!

Check the Weta auction page HERE or to get more info on Weta and see some more D9 concept art hit the jump below.


The best of 2010 : Concept cars

This is a brief homage to the car design industry featuring some of the best concept cars coming out of 2010. 2010 has been a year synonymous with financial uncertainty, yet we have had some truly great car concepts this year. This is brief run down of some of those cars which may never grace the road, but lets set that aside for a time and hope that at least their memory will be influential in some of the cars which do make it to the show room floor in the future. Although for the most of us they will, almost certainly be financially inaccessible they still shall form a bench mark for car design in the coming years. This is a very big post so click the jump and enjoy!

Cian McLoughlin

In Cian's oil paintings the implied is often more important than the visualised, because what can not be seen focuses eye. This blend of abstract and realistic painting is achieved though the chaotic use of paint and an abstract attention to mark-making. All of this allows Cian's work to be attractive and intriguing to the viewer as can be seen here in "Nude".

Cian McLoughlin's work is both visually impressive and inspiring, his use of texture and colour make the works seductive to the eye. This combined with his shear technical capacity for painting load his paintings with an impressive visual weight.

These paintings are whilst not necessarily original in content, do the media and content for that matter a substantial justice, and Cian deserves credit for that.

Find more of Cian's Paintings and a link to his website after the jump.



Computational Drawings, David Lu

David Lu makes complex algorithms to create drawings. His software whilst intelligent is not autonomous and requires outside human interpretation or stimulus. In this case and currently he uses a mouse or pen to create the input for his drawings.

radial arrangements

David's drawings are incredibly complex, because of the nature of the algorithms. This complexity manifest its self in the incredible intricacy of the drawings. These algorithms utilise the fractal geometry of Benoît Mandelbrot, to create simplistic, repetitive patterns which are beautiful in their tessellation.

This is a short generative animation created for Lumen arts Leeds in 2008.Showcasing some of David Lu's Algorithms.

Evolution, Generative Motion Graphic from David Lu on Vimeo.

Catch move David Lu, including his website link after the Jump

Fallen Art

Awarded a BAFTA in the short animated film category, in 2006, Fallen Art is a dark comedy around the exploits of the military. A film by Tomek Baginski, this is ace and defiantly a good use of time.

For more on Fallen Art check out the official website here.

TRON Font!

Tron keyboard image sourced from techblogz.com

What better way to use of a Tron keyboard than typing important documents in a Tron font. Check the link below for the font.

Tron font this way

Robot Snowman

Check out this desktop toy. The makers have made a brilliant concoction of robotics and snow.

The toy has a scanning colour changing eye and is powered via USB.

Images sourced from gadgethim.com

Russ Mill's Illustrations

The graphic manner in which Russ Mills approaches is illustrations is what defines and makes him stand alone. His use of textural elements and the cross over of media between historical media and computer technology gives Russ's work a dynamic and attractive element.

Catch more of Russ's work at his new or old websites or just see some more after the jump.

The Daily Nice

This is a website by the photographer Jason Evans. It consists of one picture which is changed daily of something Evans has seen that makes him happy.

The daily nice this way


Transformers 3

Its that time again giant robots from space are coming and I'm sure despite all the plot holes and sizing discrepancies we will all come to love the next instalment of robo slaughter.

A film by the director Michael Bay who as ever appears to be using the frankly magical combination explosions, jaw dropping mutation sequences and girls who make grown men weak at the knees, oh and robots. We like Transformers at SH and as such this won't be the last you will see on this subject over the coming months.

Check it out on IMDB

Harrier: the final flight

Click here for video of Harrier jet's final flight

Due to the UK defense cuts the Harrier is being phased out of service. The Harrier is a vertical / short take-off and landing strike aircraft. Its primary users since its introduction in 1969 have been the UK, US and Spain.

The Assasination of Yogi Bear

This is a short parody piece about Yogi Bear and Boo Boo, by Eric Brevig. It is a tiny homage to "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford" (2007), check it out on IMDB

This really is a dark and twisted version, however our attachment to the bears really only enhances the feelings which came from the original movie.

A very good piece sourced from coilhouse


Film of the week : TRON

Video sourced from Youtube

In honour of the impending UK release of Tron Legacy this week Tron (1982) starring Jeff Bridges is Salubrious Hub's film of the week. Enjoy!

Jen Stark's Paper Sculpture's

Jen Stark makes intriguing sculptures, and animations from paper. These sculptures are meticulously produced with incredible precision.

Primaries Invert

Sparth's Concept Art aka Nicolas Bouvier

For as long as I can remember this guy has been an inspiration to my own practice. Working in Adobe Photoshop. Born in France now working in America, Sparth, or Nicholas Bouvier, has produced concept art for many video games and is an industry name in this field. He now works for Microsoft, but his cv is huge, featuring many many different projects. His use brushes and general capacity to bring life into a drawing make his works something of a spectacle.

Dalmatian Island

Sparth has also been a great asset to many people through his tutorials which teach people how to use Photoshop as a media rather than just a method of amend exposure problems from photography, There's a link after the jump.

Bart Weetjens : The man who taught Rats to smell Land mines & TB

This is an amazing story in which one man managed to show the world how his understanding of an animal could help better the world. He deserves so much credit for the work he is doing as it saves lives, and more widely, betters the world we live in.


The Illustration of Bobby Chiu

Big Bad Bunny EaterBig Bad Bunny Eater

Bobby Chiu is an illustrator operating out of Toronto, Canada. His images are both amusing and technically brilliant.


How to build your own carbon fibre bike

This is a how to on how to build your own carbon fibre bicycle. Its by a forward thinking man named Brano Meres and the results are frankly fantastic.

In Brano explains all of the materials used and how he overcame design problems within the project. A few tips here and there and with enough time and effort you too could make a bike like this.

Underwater Car!

Sourced from Youtube

Pantha du Prince

Beautiful music from the album Black Noise (2010) by Pantha du Prince.

Sourced from Youtube.

Francis Alys, Railings

A really enjoyable video by the artist Francis Alys. Alys recently had an amazing retrospective at Tate Modern, London.

With thanks to Francis Alys, video sourced from Youtube.



This fantastic little animation was in the BitFilm festival last year. Based around the Luftwaffe, German Airforce, and waffles, a tasty snack. It is a short film by William Barr, also these a cracking reference right at the end.

Check out Bitfilm for more entry's and this years competition

It's a Brilliant bit o' fun, Enjoy!


Gez Fry's stunning Illustrations

Gez Fry is a man with both duel nationality, being part British, part Japanese, and also a fantastically talented illustrator. His use of the manga style is well informed and referenced but he also brings a few things to the table. His drawings utilise negative space, this technique whilst subtle is best show here in the first of two pieces, Poplin Firetrap . On top of this use of negative space he also has an empirical knowledge of colour.

This all combined with his pure skill as a draughtsman allow Gez to enact beautiful and technically excellent illustrations. Whilst there may be allegations against the over use of manga this should not tarnish this body of work.

The use of colour in the pastel manner shown in his work as shown here in Drifting 1 and also Poplin Firetrap seems reminiscent of Hokusai's "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fugi".

Film of the week : From Hell

2001 saw one of the best adaptations of any of Alan Moore's graphic novels to screen as of yet.
Alan Moore also being the writer of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and more lately Watchmen. Attracting such names as Johnny Depp, Heather Graham, Robbie Coltrane and my personal favorite Ian Holm.

Avoiding any spoilers the movie outlines the case of Jack the Ripper in a dark and stylish manner. The story is set in a Victorian London and follows Mary Kelly [Heather Graham] and Inspector Fred Abberline [Johnny Depp] in this tale of murder and madness. Catch the trailer after the jump, well worth your time and money. Also if are a fan of graphic novels and you haven't yet had the pleasure of reading the original, again its a very good use of your time. If you do anything this week watch this movie.

For more info on From Hell visit IMDB. If you want to buy the graphic novel or the film Amazon's good for both, [Film] or [Graphic Novel]. But I'm fairly sure you could pick it up cheaper somewhere else if you are prepared to have a second hand version.

Listverse Ultimate Lists

A truly amazing website with a seemingly endless stream of top 10's. This place will tell you anything from the top ten Greatest Mathematicians to the top 10 Huge Prehistoric Cats. The site is well worth a visit in those bored moments at work or at home.


The 2010 Mercedes-Benz Concept Car : Biome

This December at the Los Angeles Auto Show Design Challenge, Mercedes released this full size concept car into the world.

Mercedes have really hit the nail on the head here in my opinion. This is a truly beautiful concept and Mercedes should be proud of themselves for this one.

Morgan Rauscher : Incredible technological artworks

Uncle and Anti-Sam

Morgan Rauscher makes incredible technological artworks. Based around the artefact observing the viewer, his pieces amaze and engage with the viewer. Utilizing electronics, programming and robotics Morgan's works question society by-enlarge and allow for a dialogue between viewer and art piece that, some of which is, frankly uncanny.

Zeugen V1

Sourced from www.morganrauscher.com

David McCandless on the beauty of data visualisations

David McCandless makes some eloquent, ironic and at the same time visually fantastic images about the world in which we live.

He as a wonderful skill in his capacity to almost externally observe our society through the form of data. Thereby allowing him to point out the often ridiculous nature of the world we live in.

sourced from TED
To see a newer post on Data visualisation check out our post "Create your own Data Visualisations" 29/12/2010