
Art in Design

For those who are not familiar to HTML it is not normal for a page source to look like this:

The more HTML savvy might want to look at the source code of this page. It's the website of Fujinon Binoculars. What you'll see is bound to surprise and confuse you.

This is not an over-eager coder. This is something more. Much more. The source code, if extended out looks like this:

It turns out that the lumps and bumps in the source code is actually based on Mount Fuji when viewed from the Fujinon HQ on Google Earth.

From http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2009/09/01/a-hidden-gem-in-html/

Very cool and very Japanese. The blogger on "geeksaresexy" describes it as 'form over function', I disagree. "Form over function" implies that the form is more important than the function - and somehow overwhelmes it. This is not the case as the website works well.

This is a more harmonious example of form with function, the implication is that if Fujinon can take so much time and care over their website they will do the same with there products.

I wonder if this is a common part of design in Japanese websites or are Fujinon just that little bit extra special?

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