
Save Soho 16mm Film Lab

Please find an important message from some friends of SH. Whilst we are keen to show you new and brave technologies we are also fans of the old ways too. Please take the time to read the letter below and sign the petition.

Dear Friends of 16mm,

We have had an overwhelming response from people concerned about the
closure of Soho Film Lab's 16mm print service. To better co-ordinate the
response, we have set up an online petition aimed at persuading the
lab's new owners Deluxe to reverse the decision. Signing up the
petition is very quick and easy, you just need to go to
and click 'sign the petition' at the bottom - the process only takes
about 30 seconds.

Please also continue to circulate this to anyone else you think might be
interested. Many thanks for your amazing support, and apologies for
cross posting.

best wishes

Lucy Harris & David Leister

Click here to sign the petition

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