
Film of the Week: Total Recall

After the shock horror announcement that there is to be a remake of this classic with Colin Farrell as Quaid, we thought it was time to look at what made this movie such as classic.

Although it was released in 1990, it slips neatly into the the plethora of great sci-fi that were produced in the 1980s and carries with it some of the humour that charactarises that decade. Directed by Paul Verhoeven (who later did Starship Troopers.) It's a comic book gore-fest with a neat twist, probing into the murky world of reality vs fantasy.

It's easy to see how the screenplay was based on story "We Can Remember It For You, Wholesale." by science fiction superstar Philip K Dick - who also gave us, Blade Runner, A Scanner Darkly and Minority Report (in fact the script for the film Minority Report started out as a sequel to Total Recall.)

The film should be remembered for its eye-popping special effects: a womans head opening to reveal Quaid hidden inside, the effects of the low pressure atmosphere on Quaid as he battles Cohaagen on the slopes of the red planet and of course *that* woman in the bar.

With Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sharon Stone, Michael Ironside, Rachel Ticotin... it's a cast to be proud of.

And it also gave us, in my opinion, one of the most under rated lines in film: 

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