
Firefox Sync may be the answer to your problems

Love Firefox, use more than one computer? This fantastic little Add-on lets you sync you Internet browsers across multiple computers. I for example have a dual boot desktop computer, [Windows & Ubuntu] and a laptop [Ubuntu] all sync'ed together, as Joanna Lumley would say "lovely".

The Add-on gives you a code and then all your browser history and favorites are stored in an online cloud and changes happen across all your computers when you alter a favourite. Even if you don't have more than one PC and are just formatting and reinstalling, this will backup all of your favorites and you will not need to put them all in a again, or export the master file [although this is always a good idea to keep backed up].

If your interested install Firefox syncFirefox sync and give it a go. The only piece of advice for you is when it says don't loose this code, write the code down.

Cracking bit of freeware and yet another reason why Firefox is quite so good. Hope its useful.

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