
Anthony McCall - Light and Cloud

Apparently we're hosting the Olympics.  Not SHUB... no... the UK is.  Besides, the 200 metre rewire probably wouldn't go down very well.
Photo by Peter Macdiarmid from Zimbo.com

Every Olympics comes with what they call the 'Cultural Olympiad'. The four year long UK Olympiad is projected to be "largest cultural celebration in the history of the modern Olympic and Paralympic Movements."  During this time some stunning works of art, films, photography, music and outdoor events are planned.

One piece by the artist Anthony McCall (above) has caught my attention.

Anthony McCall is well known for his work using the 'sculptural qualities of a beam of light'.  His most well known work is 'Line Describing a Cone'.  Where a beam of light projected through a dark, smoke-filled room traces a circle on a screen opposite.  To the viewer head-on the beam of light looks to be simply drawing a circle, to those movining between the projector and sreen they will see a cone of light being formed.

Simple yet mesmerising.

His latest work for the 2012 Olympics is a 100 mertre high column of cloud.  It is to be built in Birkenhead, Merseyside using an abandoned dock.  The spinning column will be seen from 100km away on a clear day.  The question puzzling us at SHUB is: how? 
From ArtinLiverpool.com

There is little information on how McCall will achive this groundbreaking artistic work but we'll be sure to keep you updated when we find out more.

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