
Angry Birds Birthday Cake

For all those of you who are addicted to this game and some of you who are not, this is a brilliant idea. We at SH are curious as to what a Mario or Sonic playable birthday cake would be like. Click the link below to see other birthday based creations unfortunately non were found that are playable. Post your comments below if you have made any or have found any.

Film of the Week : Independence Day

Independence day, its an old film, but by golly gosh its a good un! Its a bit crappy but thats what makes it brilliant.

The cast of actors is not bad either! Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Brent Spiner (other wise known as Data from Startrek)

AND not forgetting, THE MAN, THE LEGEND THAT IS...

Adam Baldwin!!!

Put simply, a good old fashion fun film! Watch it. Love it!


Carsten Nicolai

The work of German artist Carsten Nicolai blends the disciplines of mathematics, science and art. The piece above refers to Richard Buckminster Fuller's experiment concerning the packing of spheres in space. The Kepler Conjecture deals with the maximum density of differently arranged three-dimensional layers of spheres.


The Inner City Bikes : ICB 36 and the ICB 29

"ICB 26"

Inner City Bikes have tried to redefine bicycles for short city commuting. Their website states is “The world doesn’t need another bike redesign—the world needs thoughts on simplification, part reduction and greater product life span. Our lives need attention and care, not the objects that serve us.”

"The inner city bike was designed by JRUITER + studio as a project asking questions about ultra short inner city travel. What is needed, who is riding, and how far are they going. At first glance it was a fun aesthetic opportunity in new trends, color, and materials. Our target lived / worked in an inner city environment with minimal space. Bicycling at this level can be more about fashion and culture than speed and performance." Catch the rest of this statement and more pictures  after the jump.


The use of bio-mimicry in creating sustainable architectural environments. Michael Pawlyn : Using nature's genius in architecture.

As per usual TED lectures have provided a truly inspiring and innovative answers to very obvious and often everyday problems. In "Michael Pawlyn : Using nature's genius in architecture." Michael looks upon things such as pollution and the bi-products of over population and industry as opportunity. Michael's source of inspiration comes from nature, bio-mimicry some of the solutions are truly fantastic, not just using the bi-products of industry to make industry carbon neutral but rather reverse the process completely.

Also he uses nature similarly as a point of departure for more intuitive and efficient architecture such as the "The Eden Project", depicted here.

The TED website describes this video with the blurb, "How can architects build a new world of sustainable beauty? By learning from nature. At TEDSalon in London, Michael Pawlyn describes three habits of nature that could transform architecture and society: radical resource efficiency, closed loops, and drawing energy from the sun." This really is an inspiring lecture giving a little bit of hope in humanity just to dull the cynicism for a while. Defiantly worth your time to have a look at this one. To view TED where this video was sourced click the link,HERE.


Get Command and Conquer, Red Alert, Tiberian Dawn, Tiberian Sun and Firestorm for FREE

Like many people these games were my childhood and very memorable, Red Alert particularity. Also because Red Alert, due to overuse exploded in the family CD drive killing the computer. But there’s no danger of that this time as these versions are digital.

I must stress that this is not piracy and is completely legitimate, and came from the official Command and Conquer website which is visit able from HERE. If you'd like to download all 4 games the link to the site is HERE. Unfortunately this is not a mac friendly download but if you do want to play any game on mac or for that matter use any windows software on mac try running the open source software Darwine. Darwine is not a windows emulator it just sets the file structure so that windows programs will work without having to use anything like bootcamp. There's a little more info after the jump.

Protected by the Power of Grey Skull [Norton 2011]

"By the power of Grayskull" Just a quick yet brilliant little thing to bring to your attention, if you install Norton 2011 this is the completion screen which pops up, whist Norton is an excellent piece of software they may be getting a little above their station.

If you need it Norton may actually send this guy to protect your pc from Skeletor and his malicious infections as of the 2012 edition. Although if you update the software as usual it will cost more than just buying a new version. "I have the power!" and you can to for just £23.00 for 3 Greyskull PC Licences, see Amazon.

Norton 2011 is an excellent piece of software, much better than anything free [AVG], and it installs and works fantastically quickly. However I can't comment on whether He-man, the Masters of the Universe or Cringer are contractually obliged or ever for that matter affiliated with Norton, whom coincidentally are based out of the planet of Eternia.


Music Enduced Frisson : Why do we Enjoy Music

As I have said in an earlier post, recently I have been doing a bit of research in to music psychology and why we enjoy music. Now there are many reasons as to why we enjoy music, but I stumbled upon this extraordinary physiological reaction towards listening to music, that John Sloboda named the Frisson.

Not all people experience this but when you do you defiantly know it. Its when you get goose pimples, shivers or chills from listening to music.

If you watched the last lecture that I posted, by Dr Glenn Wilson, then he mentioned it briefly, but I found another man called Dr David Huron Who has done a lecture specifically on the Frisson.

You can access this lecture through iTunes U (that is Itunes University), I have tried to link it straight on here but it is seemingly impossible!!

Go on to your iTunes

Go to the iTunes Store (don't worry its all free!!)

Search the word "Frisson"

Scroll down to iTunes U and it should be the only entry.

Click 'Get'.

And the lecture should start downloading.

I also did a short presentation on the topic as well, I was limited to 10 minutes so it was bit of a whistle stop tour! But if you are at all interested check it out, I have basically just condensed all the other research in to 10 mins.

Presentation slides below and the script can be found here.


Film of the week : Moon

Astronaut Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) is alone on a moon base harvesting Helium - 3; the power source that has diminished Earth's demand for power. His only companion is GERTY (Voiced by Kevin Spacey). Towards the end of his 3 year post an event occurs that will change Sam's life forever.

This is a suspenseful, conspiracy based film directed by Duncan Jones from a screenplay by Nathan Parker. The film also features a cameo appearance by former Skins (UK) actress Kaya Scodelario as Sam's daughter Eve.

The soundtrack to this movie is by Clint Mansell also known for his work on Requiem for a Dream (2000) and more recently on Black Swan (2010). Watch the hub for more Clint Mansell posts over the next few weeks.


Nathan Jones Animator and Graphic Designer

Most if not all of the SalubriousHUB team were lucky enough to get to know and even work along side Nathan Jones at University. His Work is blessed with an intrinsic style of its own which carries remarkably well into animation. The precision and use of mark-making allows for some stunning imagery and provocative design. Nathan does contribute to SalubriousHUB as a researcher, finding the brilliant form the bowels of the internet to show you.

Nathans works are mostly pencil drawings, washed with water colours and inked, then illustrated with a Wacom tablet in Adobe Photoshop. In the case of the animations this same technique was used followed with the use of Adobe Flash in which some illustration was done to bulk out the PS work.

The first animation is titled "Creatures of the Deep", the second "Doritos Ad - Fishin" and the last which is after the jump is named "Army Ants by Tom Waits". To view or subscribe to Nathan's Youtube Channel click the link, HERE, or to find more of his work online check his Deviantart profile by clicking the link, HERE.

Take the Jump at the end of the post another brilliant animation and some more illustrations from Nathan. Nathan is one if the finest draughtsmen I have ever had the pleasure to meet and an awesome bloke to boot. Hope you enjoy his work and feel free to comment at the bottom if you have anything to say on any of the pieces.

"Creatures of the Deep"

"Doritos Ad - Fishin"


Transformers : The Dark of The Moon Trailer 2

The Dark of The Moon Trailer 2 isn’t exactly correct as to what this video actually as it is a Super Bowl spot from the gents across the pond. However whilst not necessarily trailer 2 it does make ground on trailer 1. This video contains mostly new footage and some wicked looking visuals. Catch trailer 1 after the jump.


Richard Sweeny's Paper Sculpture's

Icosahedron II

UK Based Richard Sweeny's paper sculptures combine the beauty of precision and the delicate aspects of paper. The Majesty of Sweeny's work mirrors architecture and works on a basis of simplistic sculptural form. The Engineering like precision which goes into Sweeny's work is fantastic, this precision is only emphasised by the use of reductionism within the pieces. Whilst they may be extremely complex and elaborate their structure and grounding is in the simplistic nature of their design. Each component is balanced by the next creating a structural unity which is endearing to say the least about the work.

Floral Corsage

Enjoy the images of the work, If you are a fan of this post check out Jen Stark's Paper Sculpture's or to go to Richard Sweeney's web-page, click the link HERE. Catch more images after the jump.


Wafaa Bilal

Iraqi born artist Wafaa Bilal is currently engaged in a project that involves a camera embedded in his head taking a picture every minute for a year. However as you might imagine this has not been without issue and in the last week his body has rejected the camera - a common problem with all implants.

Bilal will continue the project with the camera on a strap around his neck but hopes to reattach the camera in the next few months.

Wafaa Bilal

Back to the Future - Irena Werning

It's been done before, old family photos recreated decades after they were originally taken. The big difference with Irena Werning's work is the level of authenticity and detail she has gone to.

Not only has she recreated the scene with the same people in the exact location she has matched as closely as possible the clothing, pose and even the acessories (kudos for the girl with the extra large teddy-bear as an adult).

Most tellingly of this artists dedication to her work is that she has recreated the style of the photograph.

Irina Werning is a photographer based in Buenos Aires, there is I think you will agree, a great theatricality to her work and a real sense of the satisfaction she gets from her art. She is already the recipient of numerous photography prizes but I think there are still great things to come from her.

You can see more of this project here.


Film of the week : Universal Solider

Universal Solider may be a muscle filled gun romp through boyish sci-fi violence, yet I wonder what motivates the solders. How the actors get into character, no really how can you get into that character.

Puns about bad acting aside this film really isn’t one for depth or even much of a story but it does have plenty of Jean-Claude Van Damme. This 1992 action flick is up there with Demolition Man for lack of most of everything required in a film being attempted to be filled with muscles and guns. Not a subtle film but perhaps you can over look that fact because of "The Muscles from Brussels", or not. Either way this is probably the best film that "Mr. Belgium" has ever been in.

The film outlines the story of Vietnam war veterans reanimated by a section of the American military. Funnily enough in this case raising the dead to do evil doers bidding doesn't work out so well, and the rest, well that would spoil what little story the film has so I'll leave that for you to figure our, or perhaps even watch. If you haven't seen this before expect kind of a mix of Demolition Man, Terminator, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Whilst that does probably give this little bit of cinema a touch too much credit, watch this first instalment of the Universal Soldier now five part series. Though it is discreetly possible that you may get the picture from the first one.



LED Solar-Powered Watch

The Solaris v1 is the perfect blend of eco-power and cool design. Running from a minimal solar panel and using low power LED's to show the time, this really is a step in the right direction. Also pushing this achingly cool design how could this watch not do well.

For more images and a full explanation of how the watch actually tells the time, catch the Jump below.


World Invasion : Battle LA Trailer 2

In our imagum post for movies to look forward to in 2011 (View Here), We mentioned Battle Los Angeles. Well despite a name change to "World Invasion : Battle LA"  Trailer 2 is here catch trailer 1 after the jump if you'd like to see it again.


Amphibious Skip Hire

Those of a certain age from the UK will remember a program known as 'Brum'. It was about a vintage car that escaped from its museum every day for adventures in the big city.

Sadly, after years of wide eyed wonderment it dawned on us that Brum was in fact not real. Vintage "Austin 7s" do not come alive and travel the streets of Birmingham nor to our knowledge have they ever saved a kite from a tree or stopped a run away pram.

An eight ton skip in Liverpool however... well that is a different story.


Focus on imaging

If your UK based and serious about photography, you cannot miss this event!

Focus is a huge meeting of photographic manufactures in the Birmingham nec from the 6th - 9th of March. Go along and test thousands of bits of kit from all the big names, potentially for free. Just have a look on the website link after the jump to see more about the event, i.e. who is there and what can i see. Were going maybe see you there. Also theres a few more photos after the jump just to get you more interested.


Solar Powered Car

The World Record for the fastest solar powered car has been smashed by the Sunswift Ivy. The record now stands at 88km/h.

The car was built by a team from the University of New South Wales. Sunswift Ivy is powered only by Silicon Solar cells.

The previous record was held by General Motors' Sunraycer which travelled at 78km/h in 1987.

The Freesound Project

In this wonderful internet filled world that we all now live in open source or free community things are great to come by. Offering all the chance to use the internet to share and share alike. The Free Sound Project is one such opportunity. The Freesound Project describe them selves as "a collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds. Freesound focusses only on sound, not songs. This is what sets freesound apart from other splendid libraries like ccMixter".

If your interested in contributing to the site or using the sounds on there catch the link to the The Freesound Project


Robert Kubica

SH would like to wish Robert Kubica a quick recovery from his injuries suffered at the weekend.

Kubica got his first Formula 1 drive in 2006 with Williams. He moved to Renault at the end of the 2009 season. His first race win came at Montreal 2008 for Williams and Kubica has 12 podiums to date.

Colour Scheme Designer

Choosing on a colour scheme for a website or any graphic work can be a difficult decision, what colours work with other colours and compliment and contrast?!

Color Scheme Designer, is an online interactive colour scheme maker, you choose the hues, saturation, contrast and brightness and it gives you a bunch of hex codes ready to use in what ever graphic or web design program you use. I am currently using it to help me colour my website which ill post on here at a later date when its finished!

Oooh and you can find the website here.


The Surley Pugsley Mountain Bike

If your into your bicycles, particularity your mountain bikes check out the Surly Pugsley. This work horse of a bike will seemingly take you anywhere. Snow, mud nor anything else will stand in your way on this behemoth of a bicycle.

Check out the bike on Surley's website, or of more pick including a guy trying a back flip on one catch the jump below.


Hubble Wallpaper


The Crab Nebula

Get your very own Hubble telescope....wallpaper for you computer.

These are genuine images taken by the Hubble telescope and are available in a range of definitions depending on your computer capabilities.

Eastwest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra : EWQLSO Gold - And Snow Leopard Installation Issue Work Around

Recently I have been composing music for moving picture - mainly orchestral music - and in the past month I have updated my orchestral sample library to the Eastwest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold Edition, which uses the Eastwest Play engine.

The quality of the samples is fantastic and well worth the upgrade if you have the money.

EWQLSO Website

Here is a small example of some the samples avaliable:


Spotify Playlist's

SalubriousHUB has a new Page!!! Downloads check it out. Currently the page will be used for FREE Spotify Playlists so either click the link below to try out a Electro mix. If you like it all you have to do is click subscribe and you can keep the list and if we update it you will automatically receive the changes. Or jump over to the downloads page and get it from there. More playlists will be added soon and we will try to keep yo up to date on any new lists. If theres anything you'd like to see appear on the playlist leave a comment below and we can add it for you.

SH Electro Playlist

If you don't have Spotify check out the website. If your reading from the USA you don't have long to wait and you too will have Spotify, it will be with you in March. Get excited its worth it!!!

The ECHO Arena to host Batman live World tour

The UK's Birmingham ECHO Arena is to host a showing of the Batman live World tour [the website link is here The Birmingham ECHO Arena].

That's right Batman is to take to stages in the UK. Birmingham, Newcastle, London, Glasgow, Sheffield, Nottingham, Dublin and Belfast will all see the show, so if your lucky enough to be in one of these cites you stand a chance of going to see Batman live, or visit the website
The Batman Live show.

Some of the concept art is below, enjoy.

This post was researched by Nathan Jones

Film of the week : Cockles and Muscles

This brilliant French film has shown the wonderful and humorous capacity of French cinema. The film whilst originally named Crustacés et coquillages, is subtitled for the English speaking [sorry all those who hate subtitle films]. The Film outlines the bizarre family holiday of Marc and Béatrix. The film highlights preconceptions and challenges the viewer about their own understanding of sexuality within the characters.

Without giving away any of the story, the film is set in Marc's inherited house [from his aunt] on the Côte d'Azur. The story revolves around the family’s summer holiday and the sexual experiences which go along with it. All in all a light hearted flick which should raise a few laughs, however if your not a fan of subtitles perhaps one to avoid. Whilst I'm not sure about the channel show at the end of this trailer if you are UK based you can find this film on BBC iPlayer at the moment, enjoy the trailer.


Daft Punk Firefox Skins

Tart up your Firefox. The link below takes you to get your own Tron Legacy Daft Punk Firefox Skins.

Click here

Click here


Tron Legacy Inspired Car Design

Audi A9 Concept by Dani Garcia

Whilst arguably not all of these designs have been inspired or influenced by Tron Legacy, possibly with the exception of the Audi R8 (after the Jump). Here are some fantastically Tron'ish designed vehicles. There are a few more images after the jump, have to wonder which concept is the best, have your say in the comments section.

The Mercedes Blackbird concept by Peter Vardai


Boats and Yachts

Far be it from us to pander to the global economic crisis. Here's some big boats. BIG boats!


Ferrari F150

Ferrari F150 Launched

Ferrari launch their new car for the 2011 season. At first glance not a lot has changed from the 2010 car but the F150 has a new braking system designed in collaboration with Brembo. 2011 sees the welcome return of Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) in Formula 1's attempt to reduce its carbon footprint.

Ferrari say that the majority of improvements have been made to allign the F150 with the changing regulations concerning the banning of the double diffuser, the blown rear wing and the use of apertures in the front part of the floor.
One introduction is the use of an hydraulically controlled adjustable rear wing.

The aerodynamic package sported at the cars launch will differ on the grid in Bahrain - Ferrari have chosen to concentrate on mechanical improvements on last years car so far during the winter break.

A Historical Note

From Ferrari's press release:

"The F150 is the fifty-seventh single-seater built by Ferrari specifically to compete in the Formula 1 World Championship. The Maranello marque chose the
name as a tribute and celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Unification of Italy."

Cinzia Bacilieri Paintings

Cinzia Bacilieri is an Italian artist working out of North Yorkshire.

Her works are wonderfully textural and encompass a few topics of imagery. Personally i prefer the ones of trees as the mark-making lends itself particularly well to organic objects. She also works in a more abstract and whimsical manner. The images are a pleasure to look at as they roll across the page and crisply finish in different areas.

Altogether the works are complete together as a body of work however although they gain strength from one another they enjoy a different kind of emphasis when shown on there own.

Winter Solstice.

Cinzia Bacilieri was sourced from www.asingularcreation.com visit the site for more information about her or catch the jump to see more of her images.

Summer Solstice