
Peace Awesome New work from Cem

This is a brilliant concept for reductive grafitti watch and Enjoy.

via The Wooster Collective


Royal Wedding : The Other Guys Tribute

Well we all know what day it is today... royal wedding this royal wedding that, blah blah blah, its none stop!!

So to break up the monotony of royalty, there is a wee treat I stumbled upon.. and yes again proof that lady gaga's toxic effect is starting to take hold of the world!


Film of the Week : Batman Begins

Chris Nolan's re-imagining of "the Batman" stemming from Frank Millers seminal "the Dark Knight" see Graphic Novels in the Store. Was a fantastic and brilliant step away from the Tim Burton and Adam West filled geneologie of the Batman. This rebirth of the film genre on Batman is such a step for the series and allows for the next trilogy of films to ensue. Cracking film if you have never seen it check out the trailer below. Enjoy!


Harvey Fineberg's neo-Evolution

Harvey Fineberg's stimulating postulations of genetic evolution now and in the future and are we ready for these changes. A stimulating perspective on the thought of human life and the potential of evolution, also with some brilliant animations to boot.


Easter Film of the Week : The Life of Brian

He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy, Happy Easter SH readers.


Robert J. Lang's Origami

Robert J. Lang is an incredibly well versed artist working in the field of Origami. Robert's work both innovate and come too new conclusions within the media of Origami.

His website states"Robert J. Lang has been an avid student of origami for over forty years and is now recognized as one of the world’s leading masters of the art, with over 500 designs catalogued and diagrammed. He is noted for designs of great detail and realism, and includes in his repertoire some of the most complex origami designs ever created. His work combines aspects of the Western school of mathematical origami design with the Eastern emphasis upon line and form to yield models that are at once distinctive, elegant, and challenging to fold. They have been shown in exhibitions in New York (Museum of Modern Art), Paris (Carrousel du Louvre), Salem (Peabody Essex Museum), San Diego (Mingei Museum of World Folk Art), and Kaga, Japan (Nippon Museum Of Origami), among others. "

All in all Roberts work is fantastic and inspiring. His attention to detail and frankly mind boggling skills mean his works are just amazing to look at.

To see more of Robert J. Lang's try his website www.langorigami.com, Enjoy!


Itunes U

This is a service we at SH have only just become aware of. It basically allows access to a range of lectures and video series from various major Universities and Colleges around the world on a range of topics.

Oh and as far as we can tell it is free.


Testing Gravity and String Theory

Pioneering work to test Newtons law of Gravity and String Theory are underway. The basic premise of the study is to test physics and its most fundemental laws.

This is from the BBC:

"A pioneering technique using subatomic particles known as neutrons could give microscopic hints of extra dimensions or even dark matter, researchers say

The idea rests on probing any minuscule variations in gravity as it acts on slow-moving neutrons in a tiny cavity......The neutrons are shot between two parallel plates, one above another and separated by about 25 micrometres - half a hair's width. The upper plate absorbs neutrons, and the lower plate reflects them.

As they pass through, they trace out an arc, just like a thrown ball falling due to gravity. If they hit the bottom surface before passing through, they are reflected off and absorbed at the top - and thus are not detected at the other end of the plates."


Film of the Week: Sunshine

Danny Boyle's Sunshine is our film of the week for this week. Not universally loved probably because it has been (unfairly) pitted against 28 Days Later which is a massive shame because it is a great film - Boyle's best work?

The premise of the film is that the sun is dying and a crew including 28 days' Cilian Murphy are sent to deliver a bomb to restart it.


Transformers Triplechanger cinema 4D Tutorial

First spot for a new reasercher today, from Mr James Schofield the "Transformers Triplechanger cinema 4D Tutorial". If you don't know Cinema 4D is a cracking bit of 3D software to tackle animation. If you do know this is a fantastic tutorial to get some brilliant results.

This little spot is sourced from www.cinema4dtutorial.net.

There is a small demo of the Tutorial bellow if you'd like to see the rest of it follow the jump or click the link over to the www.cinema4dtutorial.net.



Bye Bye Spotify

Statement from Spotify:
Upcoming changes to Spotify Free/Open
April 14, 2011, 09:20

Spotify’s aim from the very beginning was to make music on-demand available to all. To give you the power to listen to, discover, share and manage your music the way you want to - simpler, faster, better - while making sure the artists whose music we all love continue to see the benefits as we grow.

Making Spotify available to millions across Europe has seen the service become incredibly popular. People are listening to more music and from a wider range of artists than ever before, and are giving up on piracy, which is exactly what we hoped would happen.

So it’s vital that we continue offering an on-demand free service to you and millions more like you, but to make that possible we have to put some limits in place going forward.

Here’s how the changes will work:

* New Spotify users will be able to enjoy our unrivalled free service as it is today for the first 6 months.
* As of May 1st, any user who signed up to the free service on or before November 1st 2010 will be able to play each track for free up to a total of 5 times. Users who signed up after the beginning of November will see these changes applied 6 months after the time they set up their Spotify account.
* Additionally, total listening time for free users will be limited to 10 hours per month after the first 6 months. That’s equivalent to around 200 tracks or 20 albums.

The changes we’re having to make will mainly affect heavier Spotify Free and Open users, as most of you use Spotify to discover music – on average over 50 new tracks per month, even after a year. Plus, the average user won’t reach the limit on plays for 7 out of 10 tracks, after a year of using Spotify. For those of you using Spotify to find new tracks to enjoy and share with friends, these changes shouldn’t get in the way of you doing that. Rest assured that we’ll continue to bring you the biggest and most diverse music catalogue available.

For anyone who thinks they might reach these limits, we hope you’ll consider checking out our Unlimited and Premium services, neither of which will be affected, plus we have a 7-day free trial for Spotify Premium that we’d love you to try. Throughout May, we’ll also have a pretty nice 30-day free trial for Spotify Premium – more details on that in the next few days.

Above all, this means we can continue making Spotify available to all in the long-term. We’ll be bringing out some awesome new features as well as significant improvements over the coming months, which will make the Spotify experience even better.

Thanks so much, as ever, for your unbelievable support and I hope to come back with some exciting news in the next few weeks.


Well thanks 'Daniel from Spotify' for that. As avid fans of the Spotify Free services we see this again as another attempt by Spotify to force us all into paid up membership. Another good service laid to waste by capitalist greed? Watch this space!


Music for Airports : Brian Eno

Music for Airports is an album of generative music by Brian Eno.

He composed and recorded lots of loops of different lengths (similar to how Jem Fimer Worked - see post from 1/1/11) so that they went out of sync each time around creating evolving music.

If you have never listened to this album before, it is essential that you do!!! Its a brilliant album, and its one of the most relaxing, I listen to it quite often when trying to de-stress :-)

Take a listen after the jump


Stefainie Posavec "On the Map"

Hello HUB readers, for my first post and your reading pleasure I present the work of Stefanie Posavec.

Here is a link to Stefanie Posavec “On the Map”- 04.02.08 "On the Move".


Cranes collapsing

SH stmbled accross this some time ago. We think "aw *#@£" sums this up perfectly.


The Audi Shark Concept : Kazim Doku

This concept by Kazim Doku, whilst not a new concept i.e. floating cars, is a dam good one im sure thisng could be i9mproved upon but from certain angles this is a dam sexy looking concept. Its also a 3D moddle availabel to download as an obj file for 3DS Max, from the 3D Studio, Or visit Kazim's Deviantart page.

As usual click the jump to get some more images and a little vid.


Film of the Week : 28 Days Later

From the director of Trainspotting and The Beach, Danny Boyal, comes "28 Days Later".

The film starts with a Green Peace esq lab science lab raid [thanks for all the Mink in the UK Green Peace] except in the raid a dangerous virus known only as RAGE is released into the UK populous. Within 28 days the whole country is overwhelmed and the story follows a handful of people trying to survive.

Staring Cillian Murphy this film is notorious for being shot on an absolute budget, and using empty early morning central London for many of its scenes. A terrifying look at a pandemic, not only a awesome thriller but an extremely entertaining one at that.


Tron Legacy Reconfigured

This album features remixes of the origional movie soundtrack (Daft Punk) by artists such as Paul Oakenfold, Moby, Crystal Method and Glitch Mob. It also features an awesome remix of The Grid by Boys Noize.

Track listing:

1. The Glitch Mob - "Derezzed"
2. M83 VS Big Black Delta - "Fall"
3. The Crystal Method - "The Grid"
4. Teddybears - "Adagio for TRON"
5. Ki:Theory - "The Son of Flynn"
6. Paul Oakenfold - "C.L.U."
7. Moby - "The Son of Flynn"
8. Boys Noize - "End of Line" (Boys Noize Remix)
9. Kaskade - "Rinzler"
10. Com Truise - "Encom Part 2"
11. Photek - "End of Line"
12. The Japanese Popstars - "Arena"
13. Avicii - "Derezzed"
14. Pretty Lights - "Solar Sailer"
15. Sander Kleinenberg - "TRON Legacy (End Titles)"

These tracks feature in a soon to be launched spotify playlist so watch this space. The album will also appear soon in our new Store page.

Jeff de Boer : Armor for Cats and Mice

"15th Century Maximilian Rat"

A few years ago i stumbled across Jeffs' work, both technically amazing and fascinating. Jeff's farther was a professional tin smith and many of his skills stem form that relationship. His works are both amusing an incredibly beautiful. Showing what a little idea with astonishing implementation can create a fantastic series of works.

Jeff's website Bio states "Jeff de Boer was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in 1963, the fourth child of Dutch immigrants Andy and Maria de Boer. Being that his father was a professional tin smith, Jeff grew up exposed to the endless possibilities of metal. From the age of five, he knew that he wanted to be an artist. He spent his growing years painting and drawing, but just as importantly, he made objects. During his last years of high school, he started to take a serious interest in metal work and during this time built his first suit of armour. After graduating, he spent the next few years independently developing his craft, as well as learning techniques from a blacksmith. In 1984, he enrolled at the Alberta College of Art and Design (ACAD), where he majored in jewellery design. In the fall of 1986, while a student at ACAD, he combined his new skills in jewellery construction with his knowledge of armour-making to produce the world's first and only suit of armour for a mouse."

"Gladiator Cat Helmet"

To read more of Jeff's Bio or to check out Jeff's website click the link, or to get some more images follow the jump to some more content, Enjoy!


Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes The Governator

Now say what you will about Arny, Body builder

Turned Actor

Turned Governor.

Now turned cartoon superhero!!!! Check out this article from the BBC



Eythor Bender's human exoskeletons

The up shot of this remarkable video is that someone who lost the ability to walk regained that ability through technology. In much the same way as many other products the exoskeletons are trying to get military funding which will ultimately fund more research into benefiting everyone.

Whilst not a new idea this does actually look feasible.



Kelly Angood's Cardboard Hasselblad.

If like me you long for possession of a H4D, safe in the knowledge you will never be able to afford one, Kelly Angood's Cardboard Hasselblad maybe the answer you are looking for. This is a really quite ingenious little bit of design whilst theres not that much in the way of inovation in a pinhole camera it does look wicked, Hat's off to kelly, shame it uses 35mm film not 120 but im sure some one out there will be able to work that one out with a little bit of work. Fantastic bit of kit and a cracking looking end result.

Too take a trip to Kelly's website click the link to www.kellyangood.co.uk or to see some images she has made with the camera and a picture of a Hasselblad H4D click the jump, Enjoy!


20th Century Design Classics

The Anglepoise Lamp reguarly tops the lists of design icons.  A paragon of engineering, style and utility.  Designed by British designer George Carwardine it was instantly a hit and was made recognisable across the world under the Luxo brand name.

Inspired by the constant tension principle of human limbs, Carwardine developed a lamp which could be both flexible and stable, like a human arm.  The engineering behind the lamp is simple and effective, three to four springs working in tension to give the lamp perfect balance, holding an exact position in space until it is moved.  No wonder Carwardine wanted to call it the Equipoise.  

The style is minimalist, echewing any unecessary decoration it projects a sense of efficiency and industry, tidy and clinical - perfect for the engineering studios and hospitals that it would be used in.  So useful was the ability to concentrate light on a precise point that the Anglepoise became ubiquitous, no self respecting office was complete without one.  The lamp became so well known that in 1978 The Soft Boys produced the post-punk song 'I wanna be an Anglepoise Lamp'.

Probably the most famous Anglepoise ever is Luxo Jr. mascot of the Pixar Animation Studios, apparently based on the lamp on John Lasseter's desk.  You can see the first Pixar short film called Luxo Jr. here.

Anglepoise are still making their lamps and this is their next generation, created by design master Kenneth Grange:

Speaking of design classics, SHUB is on a quest to discover who was behind this piece of brilliance.  Seen everywhere, cheap, simple construction, solid and just about functional enough to be used - we'd call it the AK47 of catering.

But who was the designer? When was it first produced? and Why does the lid never *quite* close?
Answers on a postcard please.


How NASA retrieves shuttle boosters

This video was posted on YouTube by NASA. This is how they retrieve the huge solid state rocket boosters used to propel missions into space.

In the second stage of missions flying into space the two solid fueled roket boosters ar jetisoned and fall back to earth landing in the sea this is how NASA gets them back.

This Short Video follow the 2 ships and diving teams who install the pumps on the empty rocket booster to remove all water from theam and make them float. The boosters are then towed behind ships back to NASA head quaters and reaused in other missions.

Overall this is just a brilliant video to watch.


Film of the Week : The Abyss

Contrary to current popular belief James Cameron did not just make Avatar! 1989's "The Abyss" Oscar winning saw Ed Harris star in a story taking place 25,000 feet below the ocean's surface. As a civilian diving team are enlisted to conduct a search and rescue operation after a nuclear submarine mysteriously sinks. The film also stars, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio and Micheal Biehn.

This film totes a now exhausted and repetitive message of James Cameron's films, that nature cannot and should not be over powered and we are ultimately helpless to stand in its path. Also as quoted on www.amazon.co.uk that this "deep-sea close-encounter epic reaffirms one of the oldest first principles of cinema: everything moves a lot more slowly underwater".

None of this takes away the fact that this is an ace film and a great watch, Enjoy!


Superman Red Son

What if Superman had landed in the USSR? That is the question Mark Millar's Superman Red Son examines.

The plot stays away from shifting Superman to the role of villain which is a wise move in our eyes. Instead he is the hero of the Soviet Union fighting for Stalin, socialism and the international expansion of the Warsaw pact. He grows up on a farm on a Ukrainian collective farm and his human name is a state secret.


Card Board Wars

This is a video I was alerted to by Juneau Projects recently that I think appeals to a darker side of many people.

Juneau Projects have been working on their own variation of this which can be viewed at:
Juneau Projects


101 Electronica

Our Electronica Spotify playlist regularly updated each week with new music has reached 101 songs. For more free playlists to subscribe to from SalubriousHUB visit the Downloads page.

To try out this playlist click the link,
SH Electronica Playlist.

We should soon be bringing you a few more new playlists on top of this one very soon. If any of our readers have requests for any of our playlists or a playlist of your own drop a comment below and we will do our best to keep the music going for you. Or more importantly if you don't yet have Spotify and would like to try it out visit the download Spotify page to access a world of

music for free.

Once again enjoy the music and thanks for listening.